Things to look forward to.

Well, yesterday marked Zane's first official week in basic training, even though the last I physically held him was May 3rd.

Haven't received any correspondence, and I am sure glad that not only he told me, but that various other family members advised that during the first phase of training (Red Phase) we can expect ZERO communication from our soldiers.

I keep telling myself this, and I know it to be probable and more than likely, however that doesn't stop me from checking the mail 30 times a day, even after the mailman has brought the mail. Or keeping my phone super glued to my side AT ALL TIMES.

You never know, and the feeling of missing a phone call when you know how sparse they are, is like nothing I can describe that makes you sick in the pit of your stomach.

One thing that has been so helpful is that now I can actually mail his letters - although no longer seeing the stack of mail that we write him pile up in the Daddy Mail Slot somehow makes me feel a little sad.

From what I am hearing, its more than likely that their mail is being held for about a week or two, so he may not get any letters from us until close to the end of his Red Phase. This makes me a little sad because I know this time is crucial, more than ever, to hear our words of encouragement, but its all a process and hes not meant to at this time.

Either way, I hope he knows how much we love him and think about him every single day.

It looks like his little sisters will be in town mid-June. Its been over a year since Ive talked to Alli - the whole situation with...yeah. It was awkward and uncomfortable and we were rather upset about it, but Im not one to hold a grudge, and I do miss the girls. Plus, with Daddy gone, I think more than ever the boys need family around, and the girls have never met Carson! So, I did push it all aside and am looking forward to hanging out with them in a few weeks.

Knowing what I know now, I have to admit that alot of what she was saying at the time makes more sense and there are most definitely always two sides to each story. Regardless of what happened, that was a long time ago, and Im not going to penalize the girls or boys. Besides, Zane was the one who was really upset, and hes not here right now to scold me. :)

I think in the end he will be happy I agreed to take the boys for a visit with their aunties.

Then in July, fingers crossed, Zane will earn/keep his midcycle pass so that I can go visit and spend some time with him. Its a 36 hour pass on average, although I have heard some people say their spouses had less and more (6 hours - 52 hours is what Ive heard!)

I cant wait to see him, and Im excited about checking out the cabins for us all when we head up for Family Day & Graduation in August!!

When I get a chance I really need to see if when he heads to Bragg its considered a PCS or just another training post, because we really need to figure the housing situation out and determine which move is the best for us as a family.

Another thing to place on my to-do list!

Well, the boys are ready to get up from snack time, so I too must go.

Happy Saturday!


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