
So we had our sonogram yesterday, and we are being told...its a BOY!

Zane refuses to believe this, and is still pretty certain that when the baby is born it will be a SHE not a HE but ya know, only time will tell on that one.

One really exciting thing is that the baby is head down (which I FELT happening over the past week or so) and already engaging. Looks like we were right on target thinking that the baby was going to be coming before March when its due.

I'm pretty excited about the possibility of it being a boy - but I'm really confused on what to believe. I have read alot of mothers who were told one thing in certainty and then ended up giving birth to a completely opposite sex!!! Imagine!!

At this point, I am prepared either way.

I would love a daughter - the theory of one sounds great, but to be honest when I really thought about it.....female hormones terrify me! A teen girl with breasts, and periods and emotional breakdowns. Yikes. Boys just seem so much simpler. They are interested in fun silly things, and when they do get themselves into the typical, "boys will be boys" trouble, its always dumb trouble.

I dont know, either way I will be happy. With a boy it gives Aiden a little sibling to play with and share interests with. With a girl, we get the chance to have a little princess.

Whatever God plans. Either way we have decided that we are not having anymore children. Now, I just have to come up with a suitable name for a boy - that is something I was completely unprepared for.


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