Unfortunately the hubster couldn't take time off work yesterday to go to the doctor with me, but one of our best friends was kind enough to pop in at 8:45am and come with me! YAY!

Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without him. He kept Aiden entertained in the kiddie waiting area and apparently had fun chasing my oh so spunky 2 year old! :-D

I was a little sad that the doc told me I wasn't going to be able to do the sono, but I am scheduled to go in this afternoon and this time, Daddy is coming with me! Yay! The doc said yesterday that based on the development, even though we're not due until March, that we can probably expect to see her make her appearance into the world before the end of February.

We all think this. LOL Although, thats only a month away, so in a lot of ways, its kind of scary. As excited as we are, I'm a little terrified to think of what poor Aiden is going to think about this new intrusion into his universe. Hes been so sweet, rubbing my belly, doing cute little boy coos, and being oh so clingy with mommy to make her feel loved. At least for the first several months or so his little sibling will do no more than lie there, sleeping, eating and sleeping, along with other bodily functions that dont require further explanation.

By the time shes up and trying desperately to move around, he will be nearly 3 and even more of a grown up than he is right now. So sad. Hes growing up so fast. :(

I suppose the time really does fly.

Well, daddy is off to work, and hes taking some of the award winning lasagna that Georgie and I made last night (from SCRATCH thank you very much!) I hope his co-workers enjoy it. As sad as I was to see him take all that glorious italian greatness, its better than leaving it here, where I would be tempted to consume it all.

My trip to the grocery store was inspiring, and I returned home with a menu of healthy snacks and just a few minor indulgements. Im excited about the next few weeks of cooking!

Speaking of which, its breakfast time and I want to prepare something a little special for my tiny Angel to wake him up.

Off to do what I do!



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