Autumn is officially HERE!

This time of year brings such joy to my heart. The changing of the seasons, that wonderful chill in the air that warrants a nice warm and cozy scarf and gorgeous wintery boots, even in Texas.
Each year, especially as our boys get older, the coming of the months filled with holidays and festivities bring such excitement and anticipation in our home! From carving pumpkins, to turkey dinners to Christmas morning, the wonderful memories to come are already making their mark!
Today, a friend shared a sad story with me, about a good friend of hers losing her father unexpectedly, and it reminds me that each day, hour and moment is priceless, and once they pass, there is no going back. There is no chance to waste your times with promises of family time - the time is NOW.
Zane & I have for years lived each day, loving eachother as if it were our last day, making the most of every minute God has blessed us with eachother, and we hope that one day our boys can grow up with this same type of mentality to carry on with their children.
Making and cherishing our family memories becomes increasingly important for me, and setting traditions that we hope to continue year after year I pray will set the stage for the joy of the season.
This year, the boys and I worked on some adorable little pumpkins - our first batch of pumpkins carved with more than geometric simplicity. If I had to say so myself, they were QUITE adorable!

Is it a little sad that I get excited that in the next few years, my pumpkin carving skills shall through experience reach a level of perfection to make all our neighbors envious? We can dream, cant we.
Speaking of neighbors - it looks like we shall continue to call our home, home, for now, at least for a few more months before Zane heads off to his new training station.
Our appreciation for the time God has given us to spend together after the months apart, and before the many months ahead of us where daddy will be busy with working, training and studying, but I cant help but be excited and anxious for the day to come when we can pack up our home and move on to the next phase in our lives!
God has his plan, and we trust in it 110%!
Well, its about that time I get settled into bed with my wonderful husband and prepare for another wonderful week!
God bless!
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