I remember the days where blogging was like brushing my teeth, or waking up, or breathing, it just, was something that happened daily without thought or effort simply because I didnt feel complete if I wasnt sending out my mundane thoughts into cyberspace for someone else to mull over during their boredom.
But these days, I am so busy just enjoying life, that I dont take the time to write about it. Still debating on whether or not thats a good or great thing. HaHa
Well, lots happening - my fun little hobby of using my spare time doing design work that I used to incorporate into sales for real estate, and instead spinning some creativity into commemorative designs and prints meant to honor military service members and the unique bond shared between their loved ones.
It tickles me to think that something I made, designed, poured over for a period of time hoping to capture the love and pride a patron feels for their soldier, and knowing it will soon grace the walls, tables, the homes of these incredible friends, who capture my heart and inspire me daily.
I'm so happy that the work I have been doing is well received, and I am honored to be taking a part in their tributes.
I sent out my first few shipments yesterday, and I will be heading to the post office, wading through the water, to send out a few more today!
God has been so wonderful to us, and I am so happy that he has given us this time to enjoy together before the next phase of training commences for Zane. I am so, so, so proud of him and I pray that the right opening is available for him to pursue, I know his brilliance and shine will definitely be an asset to various fields, and while we wait, God has more than taken our hands and reminded us to have faith and all will be taken care of.
Well, if you are curious about my work, visit me on the web at:
I offer tributes generally for servicemembers, but have done some others as well for birthdays, pet tributes and other honorable mentions.
If anyone is reading, have an incredible day, filled with God's blessings!
But these days, I am so busy just enjoying life, that I dont take the time to write about it. Still debating on whether or not thats a good or great thing. HaHa
Well, lots happening - my fun little hobby of using my spare time doing design work that I used to incorporate into sales for real estate, and instead spinning some creativity into commemorative designs and prints meant to honor military service members and the unique bond shared between their loved ones.
It tickles me to think that something I made, designed, poured over for a period of time hoping to capture the love and pride a patron feels for their soldier, and knowing it will soon grace the walls, tables, the homes of these incredible friends, who capture my heart and inspire me daily.
I'm so happy that the work I have been doing is well received, and I am honored to be taking a part in their tributes.
I sent out my first few shipments yesterday, and I will be heading to the post office, wading through the water, to send out a few more today!
God has been so wonderful to us, and I am so happy that he has given us this time to enjoy together before the next phase of training commences for Zane. I am so, so, so proud of him and I pray that the right opening is available for him to pursue, I know his brilliance and shine will definitely be an asset to various fields, and while we wait, God has more than taken our hands and reminded us to have faith and all will be taken care of.
Well, if you are curious about my work, visit me on the web at:
I offer tributes generally for servicemembers, but have done some others as well for birthdays, pet tributes and other honorable mentions.
If anyone is reading, have an incredible day, filled with God's blessings!
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