My life after 28 years and 364 days

Tomorrow is my birthday, and its both exciting and bitter sweet at the same time.

We have had the most incredible morning! I fell asleep at midnight and woke up around 3:30am, and since my love was up, we went off to bed but ended up talking and talking and talking and talking and finally at 5:30am we just decided there was no point in trying to sleep and just got up, made some coffee and have enjoyed our mornings, just like we always used to.

Had a great breakfast together, watched the sun rise and fill the sky with Gods magical light, and talk about everything we have coming this great month of September that begins with my birthday.

Its so wonderful to have him home, God knows I love my husband more than should be humanly possible, and I am so, so grateful that he came home to me the exact same person as he left.

I have seen and heard very different stories from other people, stories about the changes they see in their spouses and partners coming home from basic training. With the things they went through, for many it was life changing and unlike anything they were faced with before that moment, but for my dear hubby, it was just a job, something he took pride in yes, but overall, it was just something he had to get through so he could come home with his family again and prepare to move forward to keep his commitment and continue forward on our path.

I'm so grateful that the moment I picked him up from the airport, it was just, big smiles and hugs and excitement! There was no "period of adjustment", no "getting used to him being home", no "getting reacquainted" - it was just back in sync, back to holding hands and talking and just being US all over again. How I missed that.

I really wish and pray it was the same for everyone, and I know each and every soldier handles the experience very differently, I have just met so many incredible women who are so dedicated to their soldiers and I cant even imagine what it would be like to feel like I had a stranger come home to me.

Through my research and reading, I have definitely found that its fairly common after a separation for there to be a period of adjustment, whether it be deployment or training, or any other means of separation. I definitely understand that at some point in our lives there may be a time when we are faced with that, then again, people will argue that its normal for couples to argue all the time, and fight through their differences, and here we are almost 5 years later and we dont fight, ever.

In fact, I could count the number of disagreements we have had on one hand, both times I was pregnant and a little irrational and sensitive and we laughed the second I realized I was getting upset about something trivial - because its so uncharacteristic of who I am. Ohh, how your hormones can try and get the best of you! LOL

Either way though, thats the closest we have ever come to a "fight" - it just doesnt happen in our household. We're both rational adults, and if there is anything we ever have a difference of opinion we compromise quite well.

There are just so many things out there that are bigger and more important than other people, and to top it off, when it comes to one another, both of us are quite selfless. Thats probably our best feature, we each place one another on a pedestal of untouchable greatness and never, ever place our own needs above that of our partners, so in turn, we always end up doing what we want, when we want, we just do it for eachother, rather than ourselves. <3

He's always been incredible, and in my eyes, I cant imagine the possibility of improving on perfection incarnate, but I know as much as we had an undying affection for eachother, more than ever, our life priorities and our choices are all that more supported and validated.

Above all, our motto has always been that as long as we are together, nothing else matters, and boy does that still hold true, more than ever.

The only changes were that before he left, we dont understand how we ever entertained a service that would leave us here, and him somewhere else, even if only for certain periods of time.

More than ever, he is adamant that above all else, he wants to make sure that wherever this army life of ours leads us, that we go together as a family.

We are happy with the changes and so optimistic about what this will mean for our boys, for our family and for our future.

God has most definitely blessed me with a wonderful, wonderful life. An extraordinary husband, who is loving and supportive, who tells me I'm beautiful every hour, who tells me he loves me more than anything, every few minutes, who would and will do anything for us, for our family, to ensure our safety and unity, and he has blessed me with two gorgeous little boys so brilliant and sweet who just fill our lives and our hearts!

I'm so very thankful everyday of my life for all we have, for every spare minute we are granted together, so we can prepare for the time apart.

My husband, and our boys, are my life. Period.

There may be a time in my life, where I need "me" time, or want to do something selfish, but right now, I cant even imagine that. What makes me happy, is seeing them happy, undeniably.

In this day and age, with so many people, women especially, clawing for their own personal identities, fighting to do a mans job and do it better, wanting to be looked upon as domineering forces to be reckoned with, I say, do what makes you happy, but dont be so wrapped up in yourself, in your own selfish needs, that you forget to give a part of yourself to others.

After all, its what God wants us to do, its what he sent his son to teach us. To be the giver, not the taker. To live humbly so you can give to others. To cloth and shelter our brothers and sisters in humanity, before ourselves.

It is only in loving others that we truly love ourselves, and only in finding a true sense of compassion, can we feel God illuminating in every breath we take.

I'm about to enter into the last year of my 20's, and I am rejoicing in all that I have around me, all that God has blessed me with, and all that we have to look forward to!

If the rest of my years are anything like the last wonderful years of my life, I'm on track to have the happiest life ever lived since the beginning of mankind! And I pray everyone is as blessed in their fortunes as we are!



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