A New Beginning

This year has just begun, yet I cant believe this first month in 2009 has flown by almost unnoticeably.

With this NEW year, there does seem to be a lot of NEW in my life. Some is scary, some is exciting, all of which is bordering on overwhelming, but in a good way.

I'm so very glad we had the opportunity to take a trip for the holidays, because it marked a transition in the very roles we play in our little family, and allowed me to feel not so shocked from the changes when we returned.

Working in Real Estate at this time, following a horrid mortgage collapse and housing crash, has been difficult, stressful, and scary. Deciding what we were going to do, if we couldn't look forward to the income we had become accustomed to was, well nightmarish.

Perhaps my state of imbalanced hormones brought on no doubt by our growing little munchkin inside had a way to soften my usually hardened outer shell. Hanging up my workaholic nature to stay home with our son, and prepare for our soon to be here bundle of joy was the hubbies ideal scenario. After some praying, and meditation on the subject, he was probably right.

I've always been the one to hold the weight of the world on my own shoulders, to not share the reigns, to be adamant that I be in control of our finances. Maybe it really is time for a change. He felt it was time for me to take a break, relieve myself from the stress of being the major breadwinner, and enjoy some alone time with Aiden before his little brother or sister makes their appearance. In many ways, he just wanted to transition into the role of father and provider.

God bless him.

It was a scary step for me. Giving up my reigns. Taking a step backward to join 1950's ideals. A cooking, cleaning, mommy and wife. Sounded....well, good. I love to cook and clean, I do that anyway. I love to take care of our home, and spend time with Aiden. I treasured it so much since I worked so much I always felt like I was missing everything. But, I grew up with a workaholic mother, independent and hard working. I guess in so many ways I adapted that attitude.

Don't get me wrong, when it comes to a woman's role in the home - I am so traditional. I prefer to do the housework, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc; thats my duty, my responsibility and my honor as a wife and mother. Things I cherish and I do well. But to do these things and only these things.

I'm still adjusting to this new lifestyle. Getting ready for a new little baby to share our home, and my attention. We have settled into a nice routine, and I have thrown myself into the coordination of learning programs and developmental games for us to play. I think giving myself specific tasks, objectives and schedules makes me feel like I'm still "working" and in charge. LOL

Well, tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and I am really looking forward to it. Still debating on whether or not I am going to want to know the sex of the baby. I suppose in a few months I will find out anyway, and the excitement of not knowing for sure is really FUN, although after a rampage of rummaging through names, I came to the realization that maybe I should find out. Just for the sake of preparation.

Then it will give me something else to focus on for at least a few months.

Well, off to enjoy at least a few blissful moments in bed with my hubby until we drift off to sleep.



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